Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Report # 4

Greetings to all from the famous city of Rio de Janeiro,
Quiero disculparme a todos mis amigos que no hablan bien ingés - que sólo tengo tiempo escribir una vez. Espero que uds entiendan lo que escribo - lo hago con muchos errores en deletrear. Quero desculpar-se con todos meus amigos que não falam bem o ingés - porque só tenho tempo escrever uma vez sem tempo corregir os errores do escrever.

Well before anything a very special thanks to Dora and Geraldo for five wonderfuldays in their very comfortable house and with incredible warmth and friendship. You have made my entry to Brazil a very special one and have helped me “acclimatise”.

Gustave - Doras son - and a friend took me on Sat to the centre of SP and we had the world famous feijoada - mixed meats, black beans and marioc powder, rice - fabulous dish. Also tried the famous caipirinho cane alcohol based drink - as I am a white rum drinker it was very palatable and I am sure several would easily wipe yu out. We visited some markets drove thru various portins of city to see buildings. Traffic is incredible - so much. Not exactly a pretty city but contains everything in cuktural sense. Imagine ALL of Australias museums, galleries, libraries etc gathered into one city and you have SP - it has nore people in a fairly small area than Aust has in whole country!!! Did some sigtseeing around Mogi with D-G on Sun, then Monday met old friends from Camino of 2003. Chatted mostly in Portuguese but also Spanish and Eng - pleased that I could talk - hesitantly - in Port. The friends were very understanding and helpful and spoke slowly.

Tuesday I left at midday for RJ and 5 hours was here. Chose a popular hostel which is jumping with young people who all want to party and get drunk. They seem to have unlimited money - for parties - altho they economise by staying at hostels. Yesterday went to Ipanema and Copacabana beaches - to an Aussie they are rather ordinary with low surfing waves. Lots of people and ALL women regardless of age or size wears bikini - not pretty on the old/fat ones. Topless is forbidden.

yesty arvo I climbed half way up Sugarloaf then took cable car to top and back - a must see for visitors views are spectacular. Still have to see Christ Redeemer plus centro sights will probaly leave Subday for long trip north.
Cheers for now Love and hugs Nobby